Singing Guide: Ed Sheeran

Singing Guide: Ed Sheeran

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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How to Sing Like Ed Sheeran

If you're a singer and want to learn how to sing like Ed Sheeran, you're in the right place. Ed Sheeran's unique vocal style is a mix of pop, folk, and soul that has won him worldwide acclaim. Here, we will explore Ed's vocal techniques, signature songs, and provide practical advice that will help you take your singing to the next level.

Ed Sheeran's Unique Vocal Techniques

Ed Sheeran's voice is characterized by his mixture of pop, soul, and folk music. He uses a unique blend of techniques to create his sound. Below are some of the techniques you need to master to sing like Ed Sheeran:

  • Pitch accuracy - Ed Sheeran is known for his perfect pitch. To sing like him, you need to work on your pitch accuracy, using tools like Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test.
  • Voice registers - Ed Sheeran likes to use a mixed voice that blends chest voice and head voice. You can learn to do this by practicing scales and focusing on your head voice.
  • Vocal control - Ed Sheeran's voice is incredibly controlled, allowing him to sing softly or belt out powerful notes on demand. To achieve this kind of control, practice breathing exercises and focus on creating a consistent sound.
  • Vocal distortion - Ed Sheeran uses vocal distortion to add grit to his voice. To learn this technique, practice growling and keeping your soft palate raised.
  • Vibrato - Ed Sheeran uses vibrato to add emotion to his songs. To achieve a smooth vibrato, you need to work on controlling your breathing and developing strong vocal cords.

Ed Sheeran's Signature Songs

Ed Sheeran has released many hit songs throughout his career. To master his vocal style, focus on the following signature songs:

  • "Thinking Out Loud" - This song showcases Ed Sheeran's ability to sustain notes and use vibrato to add emotion to his performance.
  • "Shape of You" - This song highlights Ed Sheeran's mixed voice and his ability to use vocal distortion to add grit to his voice.
  • "Perfect" - This song is a great example of Ed Sheeran's vocal control and his use of head voice to create a intimate, soft sound.

Practical Advice

If you want to sing like Ed Sheeran, you need to do more than just understand his vocal techniques and practice his songs. Here are some practical tips that will help you take your singing skills to the next level:

  • Focus on your breathing - Breath support is crucial for singing like Ed Sheeran. Use Singing Carrots' breathing exercises to help build your breath control.
  • Practice regularly - Mastering Ed Sheeran's vocal style takes time and dedication. Practice regularly and focus on areas where you need improvement.
  • Pay attention to your posture - Good posture is essential for breathing correctly and singing with proper form. Make sure to stand up straight and keep your shoulders back when practicing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.